Spacing - v3
Set the spacing scale in the custom-style/_spacing.scss file.
Spacing Scale #
The spacing scale is a modular scale of space values stored in CSS variables:
:root {
--space-unit: 1rem;
:root, * {
--space-xxxxs: calc(0.125 * var(--space-unit));
--space-xxxs: calc(0.25 * var(--space-unit));
--space-xxs: calc(0.375 * var(--space-unit));
--space-xs: calc(0.5 * var(--space-unit));
--space-sm: calc(0.75 * var(--space-unit));
--space-md: calc(1.25 * var(--space-unit));
--space-lg: calc(2 * var(--space-unit));
--space-xl: calc(3.25 * var(--space-unit));
--space-xxl: calc(5.25 * var(--space-unit));
--space-xxxl: calc(8.5 * var(--space-unit));
--space-xxxxl: calc(13.75 * var(--space-unit));
--component-padding: var(--space-md);
You should use these values across your components anytime you set a spacing rule (e.g., margins and paddings):
.header__top {
padding: var(--space-sm);
text-align: center;
.header__main {
padding-top: var(--space-sm);
padding-bottom: var(--space-sm);
.header__nav {
ul {
display: flex;
gap: var(--space-md);
The spacing variables are also used in the margin and padding utility classes:
<div class="margin-bottom-md padding-sm padding-md@lg">
<!-- ... -->
Responsive Spacing #
If you edit the --space-unit
variable at a specific breakpoint, all the spacing variables are affected because the --space-unit
is injected in all of them.
@supports(--css: variables) { // control spacing responsiveness
@include breakpoint(md) {
:root {
--space-unit: 1.5625rem;
The result is a global responsive rule that allows you to affect all the spacing with one variable, with (almost) no need to use media queries on a component level.

Change Spacing Unit #
By default, CodyFrame uses Rem units for the spacing. However, you can update the --space-unit
value in the custom-style/_spacing.scss file:
:root {
--space-unit: 1em; // 👈 [1/2]
:root, * {
--space-xxxxs: calc(0.125 * var(--space-unit));
// ...
--component-padding: var(--space-md);
@supports(--css: variables) {
@include breakpoint(md) {
:root {
--space-unit: 1.25em; // 👈 [2/2]
Optionally, you can update the --space-unit
on a component level:
// example 1 - switch component spacing to Em units
.component {
--space-unit: 1em;
// example 2 - increase the spacing of the component
.component {
--space-unit: 1.25rem;
You can also use one of CodyFrame's space-unit utility classes:
CSS Class | Description |
s{p}pace-unit-rem |
--space-unit: 1rem; |
s{p}pace-unit-em |
--space-unit: 1em; |
s{p}pace-unit-px |
--space-unit: 16px; |
<div class="dropdown space-unit-em">
<!-- this component's spacing uses Em units -->
spaceUnit Mixin #
The spaceUnit
mixin can be used to modify the CSS --space-unit
variable on a component level. Pass to the mixin the value you wish to use as new --space-unit
value for your component.
For example:
.component {
@include spaceUnit(1em);
// starting from CodyFrame v2.8.0, the spaceUnit mixin is equivalent to 👇
.component {
--space-unit: 1em;
Spacing Editor #
Use the spacing editor to generate a spacing scale and set responsive rules, then copy the exported code into CodyFrame's custom-style/_spacing.scss file.
Utility Classes #
For a full list of spacing utility classes, please refer to the utilities page.