CodyFrame is a CSS framework that is easy to understand and use.
Download #
Download CodyFrame from Github ↗
Quick start #
Create a style.scss file and import the CodyFrame files:
@use 'reset'; // ← reset
@use 'config' as *; // ← customize the framework
// ↓ copy & modify these templates locally
@use 'typography';
@use 'icons';
@use 'buttons';
@use 'forms';
// ↓ import here the CodyHouse components
@use 'components/_1_header' as *;
@use 'components/_1_footer' as *;
// ...
@use 'util'; // ← utility classes
The _config.scss file is used to customize the framework (i.e., to edit the breakpoints or to modify the spacing scale).
Here's a list of all possible configurations:
@use 'config' as * with (
$util-prefix: '',
$breakpoints: (
'xs': '32rem',
'sm': '48rem',
'md': '64rem',
'lg': '80rem',
'xl': '90rem'
$grid-columns: 12,
$spacing: (
'4xs': '0.125rem',
'3xs': '0.25rem',
'2xs': '0.5rem',
'xs': '0.75rem',
'sm': '1rem',
'md': '1.5rem',
'lg': '2.25rem',
'xl': '3.5rem',
'2xl': '5.75rem',
'3xl': '9.25rem',
'4xl': '15rem'
$font-family: (
'primary': 'system-ui, sans-serif'
$font-size: (
'xs': '0.6875rem',
'sm': '0.8125rem',
'base': '1rem',
'md': '1.1875rem',
'lg': '1.4375rem',
'xl': '1.75rem',
'2xl': '2.0625rem',
'3xl': '2.5rem',
'4xl': '3rem'
$line-height: (
'xs': '1.1',
'sm': '1.2',
'md': '1.4',
'lg': '1.58',
'xl': '1.72'
$colors: (
'default': (
'primary': (
'darker': '250, 84%, 38%',
'dark': '250, 84%, 46%',
'base': '250, 84%, 54%',
'light': '250, 84%, 60%',
'lighter': '250, 84%, 67%'
'accent': (
'darker': '342, 89%, 38%',
'dark': '342, 89%, 43%',
'base': '342, 89%, 48%',
'light': '342, 89%, 56%',
'lighter': '342, 89%, 62%'
'black': (
'base': '230, 13%, 9%'
'white': (
'base': '0, 0%, 100%'
'warning': (
'darker': '35, 79%, 48%',
'dark': '35, 79%, 56%',
'base': '35, 79%, 66%',
'light': '35, 79%, 74%',
'lighter': '35, 79%, 82%'
'success': (
'darker': '170, 78%, 26%',
'dark': '170, 78%, 31%',
'base': '170, 78%, 36%',
'light': '170, 78%, 42%',
'lighter': '170, 78%, 47%'
'error': (
'darker': '342, 89%, 38%',
'dark': '342, 89%, 43%',
'base': '342, 89%, 48%',
'light': '342, 89%, 56%',
'lighter': '342, 89%, 62%'
'bg': (
'darker': '240, 4%, 90%',
'dark': '240, 4%, 95%',
'base': '0, 0%, 100%',
'light': '0, 0%, 100%',
'lighter': '0, 0%, 100%'
'contrast': (
'lower': '240, 4%, 85%',
'low': '240, 4%, 65%',
'medium': '225, 4%, 47%',
'high': '230, 7%, 23%',
'higher': '230, 13%, 9%'
'dark': (
'primary': (
'darker': '250, 100%, 60%',
'dark': '250, 100%, 64%',
'base': '250, 100%, 69%',
'light': '250, 100%, 72%',
'lighter': '250, 100%, 76%'
'accent': (
'darker': '342, 92%, 41%',
'dark': '342, 92%, 47%',
'base': '342, 92%, 54%',
'light': '342, 92%, 60%',
'lighter': '342, 92%, 65%'
'black': (
'base': '230, 13%, 9%'
'white': (
'base': '0, 0%, 100%'
'warning': (
'darker': '35, 79%, 48%',
'dark': '35, 79%, 56%',
'base': '35, 79%, 66%',
'light': '35, 79%, 74%',
'lighter': '35, 79%, 82%'
'success': (
'darker': '170, 78%, 26%',
'dark': '170, 78%, 31%',
'base': '170, 78%, 36%',
'light': '170, 78%, 42%',
'lighter': '170, 78%, 47%'
'error': (
'darker': '342, 92%, 41%',
'dark': '342, 92%, 47%',
'base': '342, 92%, 54%',
'light': '342, 92%, 60%',
'lighter': '342, 92%, 65%'
'bg': (
'darker': '232, 7%, 8%',
'dark': '233, 8%, 11%',
'base': '232, 11%, 15%',
'light': '233, 8%, 19%',
'lighter': '232, 7%, 22%'
'contrast': (
'lower': '240, 6%, 26%',
'low': '240, 3%, 41%',
'medium': '231, 3%, 57%',
'high': '240, 5%, 82%',
'higher': '240, 100%, 99%'
$aspect-ratio: (16 9, 3 2, 4 3, 5 4, 1 1, 4 5, 3 4, 2 3, 9 16),
$media-wrapper: (16 9, 3 2, 4 3, 1 1),
$width: (
'4xs': '0.25rem',
'3xs': '0.5rem',
'2xs': '0.75rem',
'xs': '1rem',
'sm': '1.5rem',
'md': '2rem',
'lg': '3rem',
'xl': '4rem',
'2xl': '6rem',
'3xl': '8rem',
'4xl': '16rem',
0: '0',
10\%: '10%',
20\%: '20%',
25\%: '25%',
30\%: '30%',
33\%: '33%',
40\%: '40%',
50\%: '50%',
60\%: '60%',
70\%: '70%',
75\%: '75%',
80\%: '80%',
90\%: '90%',
100\%: '100%'
$height: (
'4xs': '0.25rem',
'3xs': '0.5rem',
'2xs': '0.75rem',
'xs': '1rem',
'sm': '1.5rem',
'md': '2rem',
'lg': '3rem',
'xl': '4rem',
'2xl': '6rem',
'3xl': '8rem',
'4xl': '16rem',
0: '0',
10\%: '10%',
20\%: '20%',
25\%: '25%',
30\%: '30%',
33\%: '33%',
40\%: '40%',
50\%: '50%',
60\%: '60%',
70\%: '70%',
75\%: '75%',
80\%: '80%',
90\%: '90%',
100\%: '100%'
$max-width: (
'3xs': '20rem',
'2xs': '26rem',
'xs': '32rem',
'sm': '48rem',
'md': '64rem',
'lg': '80rem',
'xl': '90rem'
$container-margin-x: var(--space-md),
$box-shadow: (
'ring': '0 0 0 1px hsla(var(--color-black-h), var(--color-black-s), var(--color-black-l), 0.05)',
'xs': '0 0 0 1px hsla(var(--color-black-h), var(--color-black-s), var(--color-black-l), 0.02), 0 1px 3px -1px hsla(var(--color-black-h), var(--color-black-s), var(--color-black-l), 0.2)',
'sm': '0 0.3px 0.4px hsla(var(--color-black-h), var(--color-black-s), var(--color-black-l), 0.02), 0 0.9px 1.5px hsla(var(--color-black-h), var(--color-black-s), var(--color-black-l), 0.045), 0 3.5px 6px hsla(var(--color-black-h), var(--color-black-s), var(--color-black-l), 0.09)',
'md': '0 0.9px 1.25px hsla(var(--color-black-h), var(--color-black-s), var(--color-black-l), 0.025), 0 3px 5px hsla(var(--color-black-h), var(--color-black-s), var(--color-black-l), 0.05), 0 12px 20px hsla(var(--color-black-h), var(--color-black-s), var(--color-black-l), 0.09)',
'lg': '0 1.2px 1.9px -1px hsla(var(--color-black-h), var(--color-black-s), var(--color-black-l), 0.01), 0 3px 5px -1px hsla(var(--color-black-h), var(--color-black-s), var(--color-black-l), 0.015), 0 8px 15px -1px hsla(var(--color-black-h), var(--color-black-s), var(--color-black-l), 0.05), 0 28px 40px -1px hsla(var(--color-black-h), var(--color-black-s), var(--color-black-l), 0.1)',
'xl': '0 1.5px 2.1px -6px hsla(var(--color-black-h), var(--color-black-s), var(--color-black-l), 0.009), 0 3.6px 5.2px -6px hsla(var(--color-black-h), var(--color-black-s), var(--color-black-l), 0.0115), 0 7.3px 10.6px -6px hsla(var(--color-black-h), var(--color-black-s), var(--color-black-l), 0.0125), 0 16.2px 21.9px -6px hsla(var(--color-black-h), var(--color-black-s), var(--color-black-l), 0.025), 0 46px 60px -6px hsla(var(--color-black-h), var(--color-black-s), var(--color-black-l), 0.15)'
$inner-glow: (
'glow': 'inset 0 0 0.5px 1px hsla(var(--color-white-h), var(--color-white-s), var(--color-white-l), 0.075)',
'glow-top': 'inset 0 1px 0.5px hsla(var(--color-white-h), var(--color-white-s), var(--color-white-l), 0.075)'
$border-radius: (
'sm': '0.1875em',
'md': '0.375em',
'lg': '0.75em'
$z-index: (
'header': '3',
'popover': '5',
'fixed-element': '10',
'overlay': '15'
If you prefer working with CSS (without a preprocessor):
@import ''; /* ← reset */
/* ↓ copy these templates from Github & modify them locally */
@import 'typography.css';
@import 'icons.css';
@import 'buttons.css';
@import 'forms.css';
/* ↓ import here the CodyHouse components */
@import 'components/_1_header.css';
@import 'components/_1_footer.css';
/* ... */
@import ''; /* ← utility classes */
Node module #
To install CodyFrame as node module:
# using npm
npm i codyframe
# using Yarn
yarn add codyframe
If you install CodyFrame as node module, import the reset, config, and util modules from the node package...
@use '../../../node_modules/codyframe/main/scss/reset';
@use '../../../node_modules/codyframe/main/scss/config' as *;
// ↓ copy & modify these templates locally
@use 'typography';
@use 'icons';
@use 'buttons';
@use 'forms';
// ↓ import here the CodyHouse components
@use 'components/_1_header' as *;
@use 'components/_1_footer' as *;
// ...
@use '../../../node_modules/codyframe/main/scss/util';
...and update the link to the config module in each SCSS file.
Example 1: update the the @use
rule in the buttons.scss file:
@use '../../../node_modules/codyframe/main/scss/config' as *;
// --- ↑ update this path according to your content structure
.btn {
position: relative;
display: inline-flex;
// ...
Example 2: update the @use
rule in each component SCSS file:
@use '../../../node_modules/codyframe/main/scss/config' as *;
/* ----↑ */
@use '_1_collapse.scss' as *;
@use '_1_anim-menu-btn.scss' as *;
/* --------------------------------
File#: _2_morphing-navigation
Title: Morphing Navigation
Descr: Header Template with a morphing dropdown
-------------------------------- */
.morph-nav {
z-index: var(--z-index-header);
height: var(--morph-nav-height);
/* ... */
PurgeCSS #
PurgeCSS is a tool used to remove unused CSS to make your style file smaller.
CodyFrame already includes the PurgeCSS /*! purgecss end ignore */
comment before the utility classes: if you run purge, it will remove all the framework utility classes you're not using.