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Side Navigation v2

Collapsible navigation located in the sidebar.

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How to

The Side Navigation v2 component is an accessible side navigation template.

In the mobile ("collapsed") version, the navigation is replaced by a control (button). Pressing the button toggles the navigation visibility. To switch to the desktop ("static") version, use one of the .sidenav-v2--static@{breakpoint} classes. Basically, you decide when the navigation layout should change, by targeting a breakpoint with the --static class modifier.

<div class="sidenav-v2 sidenav-v2--static@md clearfix js-sidenav-v2">
  <!-- ... -->

Use the data-static-class="{class}" attribute on the .sidenav-v2 element if you want to add a list of classes to the navigation when it's in the --static variation (e.g., add data-static-class="border-right" if you want a right border when the navigation becomes static. Check the CodyFrame documentation for a full list of available utility classes.

<div class="sidenav-v2 sidenav-v2--static@md clearfix js-sidenav-v2" data-static-class="border-right">
  <!-- ... -->


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