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Page Transition Plugin

A plugin to create smooth transitions between pages.

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How to

The Page Transition plugin is used to create animated transitions between website pages: the refresh of the webpage is replaced by a smooth animation that takes place while the new page content is loaded and injected into the DOM.

Use the PageTransition object to initialize the plugin:

new PageTransition({
  beforeLeave: false, // function running before the leaveAnimation
  leaveAnimation: function(initContent, link, cb) {
    // animation used to hide the initial page content
  progressAnimation: function(link) {
    // progress animation - it runs if the leave animation is complete but the new content is not available yet
  beforeEnter: false, // function running before the enterAnimation and after the new content has been injected into the page
  enterAnimation: function(initContent, newContent, link, cb) {
    // animation used to show the new page content
  afterEnter: false, // function running once the enterAnimation is complete
  loadFunction: false, // function used to load new content - if false, a standard Ajax call will be used
  srLoadingMessage: false,
  srLoadedMessage: false

Page Structure #

Add a .js-page-trans__content class to the content section that will be updated while transitioning between pages.
Wrap this section in a .js-page-trans element:

<body class="js-page-trans">
  <!-- place here content that won't change between pages -->

  <main class="js-page-trans__content">
    <!-- this element will be replaced when transitioning between pages -->

  <!-- place here content that won't change between pages -->

Add a class of .js-page-trans-link to each <a> element that should trigger a smooth page transition.

Plugin Options #

The plugin comes with some options that you can use to create your custom animations.

leaveAnimation #

This is the animation used to hide the page initial content.

new PageTransition({
  leaveAnimation: function(initContent, link, cb) {
    // initContent: .js-page-trans__content element
    // link: href of the <a> element the user clicked
    // cb: callback function -> run it once the animation is complete
    // example of animation
    Util.addClass(initContent, 'opacity-0');
    initContent.addEventListener('transitionend', function (){
    }, {once : true});
  // additional options here

enterAnimation #

This is the animation used to show the page new content.

new PageTransition({
  enterAnimation: function(initContent, newContent, link, cb) {
    // initContent: .js-page-trans__content element - with old page content
    // newContent: .js-page-trans__content element - with the new page content
    // link: href of the <a> element the user clicked
    // cb: callback function -> run it once the animation is complete
    // example of animation
    Util.addClass(newContent, 'opacity-1');
    newContent.addEventListener('transitionend', function (){
    }, {once : true});
  // additional options here

progressAnimation(link) #

This animation runs if the leaveAnimation function is complete but the new page content has not been loaded yet.

beforeLeave(link) #

You can use this function to run custom code before the leaveAnimation starts.

beforeEnter(initContent, newContent) #

You can use this function to run custom code before the enterAnimation starts. At this point, the new page content has already been injected into the DOM (both new page and old page content are present in the DOM).

afterEnter(newContent) #

You can use this function to run custom code right after the enterAnimation is complete.

loadFunction #

Custom function you can use to retrieve the content of the new page. If this is not provided, a standard Ajax call will be performed to retrieve the new page content.

new PageTransition({
  loadFunction: function(link, cb) {
    // link: href of the <a> element the user clicked
    // cb: callback function -> run it once the new content has been retrieved, passing the new content as argument
  // additional options here

SR messages #

You can use the srLoadingMessage and srLoadedMessage options to customize the messages announced to Screen Readers during the page transition (defaults are 'New content is being loaded' and 'New content has been loaded').

New content initialization #

After the new page content has been injected into the DOM, you may need to re-initialize its JavaScript. For example, if a carousel element is present on the new page, you will need to initialize it. Use the afterEnter option for that:

new PageTransition({
  afterEnter: function(newContent, link) {
    var carouselEl = newContent.getElementsByClassName('js-carousel');
    for(var i = 0; i < carouselEl.length; i++) {
      new Carousel({element: carouselEl[i]});
  // additional options here

You will need to do that for all your page interactive elements (e.g., accordion, tabs, ...).

Alternatively, you can have a different JavaScript file for each page and load it when required. For example, let's say you have a home.js file for your Home page and an about.js file for the About page. You can then create a pageTransition.js file containing the Page Transition plugin and the PageTransition object initialization:

<body class="js-page-trans">
  <!-- place here content that won't change between pages -->

  <main class="js-page-trans__content">
    <!-- this element will be replaced when transitioning between pages -->

  <!-- place here content that won't change between pages -->
  <script id="page-script" src="assets/js/home.js"></script>
  <script src="assets/js/pageTransition.js"></script>

Your afterEnter function would then be something like:

new PageTransition({
  afterEnter: function(newContent, link) {
    var pageScript = document.getElementById('page-script');
    if(pageScript) pageScript.remove();
    // append new script
    var script = document.createElement('script');
    script.setAttribute('src', 'assets/js/about.js'); // the src value should change according to the link value
  // additional options here


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