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Custom Cursor

A JavaScript plugin to replace the native cursor with a custom image.

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How to

Use this plugin to replace the native cursor with a custom image, and, optionally, animate it.

To connect a target element to a custom cursor, the ID value of the cursor should be equal to the data-custom-cursor attribute of the target.

<div data-custom-cursor="cursor-1" >
  <!-- ... -->

<div id="cursor-1" class="c-cursor js-c-cursor" aria-hidden="true">
  <svg class="c-cursor__img icon icon--lg" viewBox="0 0 48 48">
    <!-- ... -->

Make sure to include the .js-c-cursor element as the last element in your HTML page:

    <!-- .... -->

    <!-- ... -->

    <!-- ... -->

  <div id="cursor-1" class="c-cursor js-c-cursor" aria-hidden="true">
    <svg class="c-cursor__img icon icon--lg" viewBox="0 0 48 48">
      <!-- ... -->

Cursor Classes #

The following classes are added to the cursor element:

  • c-cursor--in: added when the cursor is over the target element;
  • c-cursor--out: added when the cursor is outside the target;
  • c-cursor--left/c-cursor--right: added when the cursor is over the left/right half of the target;
  • c-cursor--top/c-cursor--bottom: added when the cursor is over the top/bottom half of the target.


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