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Choice Accordion

A group of radio/checkbox buttons controlling expandable content.

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How to

The Choice Accordion component is used to display a list of radio/checkbox buttons that can, optionally, control the visibility of sub-content. It's handy if each a choice requires the user to provide additional information (e.g., choose between credit card and Paypal).

Make sure the <label> value matches the content of the .choice-accordion__btn. Users accessing the content using a screen reader will read the content of the .choice-accordion__fallback element.

The component includes the following custom properties:

:root {
  --choice-accordion-border-width: 2px; // accordion border width
  --choice-accordion-border-radius: var(--radius-md); // accordion border radius

  // custom input
  --choice-accordion-input-size: 20px; // custom input size
  --choice-accordion-input-icon-size: 16px; // icon size
  --choice-accordion-input-icon-color: var(--color-white); // icon color
  --choice-accordion-input-border-width: 2px; // custom input border width
  --choice-accordion-input-margin-right: var(--space-xxs); // gap between custom input and label


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